New election, new luck?
We have no choice – against the politics of the right and the rich!
Politics of the right & the rich, what does that actually mean?
In 2017, the AfD entered the German Bundestag (the federal parliament) for the first time. Since then, the rise of the right-wing continues. Dealing with the AfD will also be a key issue in the political debate this election. The last “election against the right” brought about the “Ampel government“, the current coalition of the three political parties, SPD, FDP and Die Grünen. In reality, we are experiencing one of the largest right-wing developments without the AfD being in government responsibility.
Demanded by the AfD and implemented by the „Ampel coalition“:
Tax relief for high earners
Attacks on social welfare recipients
Rearmament of the Bundeswehr (German army) and police
Introduction of a restrictive payment card (“Bezahlkarte”) for refugees
Stricter border controls at Germany’s external borders
The AfD primarily functions as a discourse shifter. Right-wing and racist policies are currently being realized at national level by liberal and social democratic parties. There is no need for the AfD to enact right-wing policies.
This is not to play down the AfD, it is the parliamentary arm of a new fascist movement that is becoming increasingly militant. “Voting against the right” will not stop this movement!
It is claimed that we are equal.
The numbers say otherwise. The biggest divide in this society is the divide between rich and poor.
It is the contrast between bosses and employees, landlords and renters, in short, between the people having property and those who don´t.
- While the richest 10% in Germany own more than 2/3 of the country’s total wealth, the poorer half only owns around 1% .
Politicians say they represent everyone in our society, but they make policies for the wealthy.
- With HHLA, large parts of the Hamburg port are being privatized despite the rejection of the workforce and population.
- The referendum for the socialization of housing in Berlin will not be put into practice.
- 66% of the population are against the stationing of US intermediate-range missiles in Germany, yet the missiles are expected to arrive by 2026.
- Despite the rejection of the population, the Tesla factory is being built in Brandenburg.
- At the expense of education and health, the military build-up course continues.
From the CDU to Die Grünen, everyone agrees: Germany should become ready for war.
- 100 billion for the Bundeswehr
- Record profits for arms companies such as Rheinmetall and Co.
- Discussion about the reintroduction of military service duty
- Arms deliveries to war zones that cause tens of thousands of deaths
Wars are fought worldwide at the expense of the population. In Palestine and Ukraine, over 100,000 people have been killed in the last two years.
However, those responsible and the rich do not have to go into the trenches.
Even in Germany, the population is affected by saving policies, inflation and social cuts. Constantly rising expenses on war and the military are taken as an explanation for savings having to be made elsewhere, explaining the 34% cuts in the healthcare system.
Governments change – war and crisis remain.
Crises and wars are no coincidence in capitalism.
The people who have to work for a living, meaning the workers, have an interest in higher wages and better working conditions.
In contrast, the owners are interested in maximizing their profits. They do this by paying workers as little as possible.
Our lives are shaped by the ups and downs of the economy. If it pays off, 35,000 colleagues at VW will lose their jobs. Profit is the determining factor in our society. In doubt, even at the cost of human lives. Competition for raw materials and markets leads to war and destruction worldwide.
War and crisis are therefore a solid part of capitalism.
Can we vote against this?
A vote for or against something would require a functioning democracy, where all people, and therefore all votes, are of equal value. However, in a capitalist system, not everyone is equal, and consequently not all votes are worth the same.
Studies on the decisions of the Bundestag confirm the image of a society of politically unequal people: a change in policy is significantly more likely if it is supported by the rich; a large rejection by the poor is irrelevant in this relation. (Study: „Only those who vote count?“, Max Planck Society)
The rich and their interests therefore dictate what happens in this country. Of course, not all wealthy people have exactly the same interests, but they all want to keep and grow their wealth.
It will not be possible to vote out this main interest of the owning class, because politics is made only for them. A vote against capitalism is thus impossible.
Does this mean it doesn’t matter who governs?
No! Even if nothing changes in the fundamental conditions, it makes a difference whether the AfD or another party governs. The legalization of abortion, the 35-hour workweek or the expansion of the healthcare system are all things that can also be fought for in capitalism.
So we can vote for reforms, but not the abolition of the system.
Another lesser evil? Take action!
We have concluded:
- Politics are not made in our interests, but for the rich!
- You will not be able to vote to fundamentally change the ownership structures.
- The “Ampel government“ has made it clear: right-wing demands are realized by all parties.
- The government will not stop pursuing right-wing policies.
- Rearmament means cost-cutting policies at our expense.
- Even a new coalition government will not stand up for peace as long as they can make profits from wars.
An “election against the right” is therefore not enough, we can only vote for a lesser evil at best. But a lesser evil is not enough. And that is why we need to find our own answers to the crises of our time. We need to develop an awareness of rich and poor, meaning, between capitalists and workers, because social rights and securities are not simply given to us, we have to fight for them.
We do not have a finished concept. A left-wing alternative that seriously advocates for a fundamentally different society – free from exploitation, war and crisis – seems far off.
But a better world is possible!
And that is why we need an honest and tangible fight from below. We must organize ourselves. In universities, in schools, at work and on the streets. Because we have no choice! We must take action against the politics of the right and the rich!